Letters to our Future Child

We are in love with a child we haven't met, that fills our thoughts and our prayers.  I've started writing letters to remember this time.  Here are a few I want to share with you.


October 2014

Dear Little One,

The trees in our yard are turning all shades of yellows, reds and oranges and we are enjoying a beautiful and busy fall.  Big brother has started kindergarten now so mommy's days are so much quieter.  I look forward to the day you join our family and fill our house with even more noise.  Something tells me that Big Brother plus a younger sibling will be more than twice as noisy as now :)

As we jump in leaves, pick apples, get ready for Halloween and enjoy the beautiful fall weather, we think of you often and hope to meet you soon...

Each day is one day closer.

~Your praying and hopeful Mommy


June 2014

Dear Precious Child -

Its summer time and our days are filled with Big Brother's tball practice, fun at the park, playdates, swimming, ice cream, camping, and so much family fun.  Yet you are never far from our minds and always in our hearts.

Big Brother has been imagining all sorts of thing you might do in a future summer -- play catch, go down the slide backwards, catch frogs and find turtles, to name a few.  He will be a super big brother.

Though our adoption journey to you has been long (over 2 yrs now), we still trust that God will bring us to you.  And even if we don't meet you in your first months and you live the first part of your life in other families, maybe your birth family or foster families, know that we are praying for you ever day, before we even meet you.  We love you and we always will.

Praying for the day you join our family summer adventures,

December 2013

Dear Precious One,

We just got back from celebrating Thanksgiving with lots of family, so many asked if we'd heard anything, and let us know that they're praying.  So many family members are anxious to meet you, waiting with us.  Its such an enormous comfort.

As we put up the Christmas tree, I lingered over Big Brother's 1st Christmas ornament and baby photo ornaments.  I wish I knew when photos of your sweet face would join his on the tree, what date would be on your 1st Christmas ornament.

Christmas is such a magical time, filled with so much hope, special memories and family traditions.  Better yet, its the celebration of the birth of a very special baby, Jesus our Savior.  I can't wait to share it all with you.

Praying for you from in front of our family Christmas tree,

October 2013

Dear Precious One -

Your big brother asked about you yesterday.  He wanted to know if someday the two of you could share a room and a bunk bed.  If so, he wants to have the top bunk :)

We talk about you a lot.  You're part of our everyday conversations, prayers, daydreams, and very important "what if" of our future plans.  Almost everyday, your big brother will ask me something that starts "Someday when I have a little brother or sister..."  We can't wait to meet you and for you to be a present part of our normal family days.  But I want you to know you are already part of our hearts.

Yesterday a mom making an adoption plan looked at our profile book, trying to find just the right family for her baby boy.  Its hard for me each time our book is shown, hoping this might be it, that you'll be joining our family soon.  I ache to hold you in my arms, kiss the top of your head, and count your fingers and toes. 

This time it wasn't us.  Not Yet.  But its always exciting whenever another waiting family gets to meet their newest family member, when a precious baby meets their forever family through adoption.  So Amazing.

Soon, precious one, soon.  In God's perfect timing,
Your praying and hopeful Mommy


August 2013

Dear Precious Little One,

We haven't met you yet and have no idea when you will join our family.  But we trust God and know that He'll bring you to us at the perfect time.  We can't wait to welcome you into our family with unconditional love.

I've prayed for you, thought of you, and dreamed of you a million times.  Waiting is hard on this mommy.  I've written letters to you in my head so many times, so I thought I should put one on paper in case you ever wonder.

Our whole family is praying for you.  Your big brother often asks us when a baby brother or sister will come to our family.  Our friends and family often ask us if we've heard anything new and let us know they are praying too.  We pray for you in the morning when we get up, when we sit down to eat, when we walk past your bedroom, at bedtime, and so many other times throughout the day.

Please know that we are praying for your First Momma too.  Every day.  She's facing/faced tough, heart wrenching choices.  It breaks my heart that your arrival to our family will send me over the moon with joy will at the same time likely be one of the toughest days of your First Momma's life.  She loves you.  If you ever wonder, she loves you.

Precious One, please talk to your Dad and I in the future when you are filled with questions, pain or sorrow in the future.  Life is hard and adoption is a unique way to start your journey.  We are here for you, no matter what and we love you with our whole hearts, in case you ever wonder.



May 2013

Dear Little One -

It has been year since we officially starting waiting for you to join our family, but we have been praying for you much, much longer.  I want to try to write to you more often.  I think of you all the time but also want to record this time of waiting and preparing for you.

Your nursery is all ready.  Your big brother had fun helping us get it ready, especially because the decals on the wall are just like big stickers.  He also likes to put his special stuffed animals in the swing, high-chair, and crib.  He asks about you often and can't wait to meet you.

Your Daddy and I are praying for you and your First Mommy every day.  Your grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles are praying for you too.  There is a big family of people waiting to love you and welcome you. 

You are always in our thoughts, someday soon you'll be in our arms.
